27th February 2024
Genomics in the NHS: A clinician’s guide to genomic testing for rare disease For those clinicians keen to understand the practical aspects of requesting genomic testing, the NHS England Genomics Education Programme is beginning a new run of its popular, practical online course Genomics in the NHS: A clinician’s guide to genomic testing for rare disease. Starting on Monday 4 March 2024, those enrolling on the course will learn about the different types of genomic testing for rare disease – from single gene tests to whole genome sequencing – and will walk through the application of this testing in clinical practice. What’s more, those enrolling on Monday 4 March will be joined by a team of expert mentors who will be on hand to answer questions, respond to comments and provide support during the course run. For further details and to sign up, please visit the course page: https://www.futurelearn.com/admin/courses/genomics-in-the-nhs-a-clinicians-guide-to-genomic-testing-for-rare-disease/4 NHS staff who wish to sign up will have free access to the course, including a free lifetime upgrade, by clicking here: https://verify.leadershipacademy.nhs.uk/4ba407b3-f8ff-4f88-b3f1-dee55722fef2