Joint Committee on Genomics in Medicine

Joint Committee on Genomics in Medicine

The Joint Committee on Genomics in Medicine was instituted in 1999 (as the Joint Medical Genetics Committee) as a tripartite committee of 
 The British Society for Genetic Medicine  (as the British Society for Human Genetics)
The Royal College of Pathologists
The Royal College of Physicians

with representation from other royal Colleges, patient organisations and the Department of Health. The initiative to form a joint committee between the three bodies arose from a desire to be able to present a unified stance for genetics in medicine.  The administration of the committee rotates between BSGM, RCPath and RCP.

Chair: Professor Anneke Lucassen (BSGM)

Terms of Reference

  1. To promote and maintain the highest standards of practice in both clinical and laboratory applications of genetics in medicine.
  2. To discuss and co-ordinate advice to Government and other bodies on policy and services issues relating to genetics in medicine.
  3. To report and receive information from the parent bodies.
  4. To co-ordinate advice on workforce planning.
  5. To initiate working groups on specific topics of particular importance. This would be subject to agreement by the parent bodies when significant expenditure was envisaged but the Joint Committee would be free to authorise small working groups.
  6. To assist parent bodies in the development of their academic activities.
  7. To provide a unified forum for these activities
