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BSGM Lunch and Learn - April 2024: Gene therapy for respiratory diseases
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If you would like us to consider publishing details of an event related to genetics and genomics, please submit it here. We regret we are not usually able to publish events unless they are associated with genetics and genomics.
A BSGM 'Lunch and Learn' online session, bringing together members from across the Society to learn and discuss topics of interest to all.
The past decade has been revolutionary in the field of gene and cell therapy, including the first approved therapies. Individuals and families with genetic conditions will not only be offered a quicker diagnostic journey, but they will also increasingly be offered the option to take part in clinical trials or be offered gene therapy as approved treatment. We look forward to collaborating closely with colleagues working in gene therapy within academia; starting with a talk by Professor Eric Alton, coordinator of the UK Respiratory Gene Therapy Consortium.
Eric Alton is a Professor of Respiratory Medicine and Gene Therapy at Imperial College, and Honorary Consultant at Royal Brompton Hospital and NIHR Senior Investigator. He will be giving a talk titled 'Gene therapy for respiratory diseases'.
All sessions will be recorded and available via the BSGM website for members unable to attend live.
If you are unable to attend and have any questions you would like to submit in advance please send them to Demetra Georgiou
We aim for this initiative to be genuinely useful to members and serve as a point of collegial conversation across professions and geographies; topics will be selected that are of broad interest and feedback is welcome as we develop the initiative.
This event is free to attend and open to all BSGM members (ACGS/AGNC/CGS/CGG/FGG) as well as non-members. Advanced registration to watch live is essential through the event page and the Zoom meeting link will be circulated ahead of the event.
Instructions to register
Please log into mySociety (if you are not a member of the BSGM or its constituent groups, please create a free mySociety account with your name and email address). Then, click "events and conferences" where you will be able to book your place for this free event.
This event is being organised by the Royal Society of Biology for the BSGM. For any booking or website queries, please contact Beth Glynn-Ramsden at or on 020 3930 9927.