Here are information leaflets on Covid-19 to support patients with and carers of rare genetic disorders.
General advice regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19) for patients with rare genetic disorders
Here are six leaflets:
1: An overview of Coronavirus (Covid-19) and rare disease
2: What makes a person more vulnerable to Covid19?
3: Understanding your risk from Covid19 if you have a rare disease
4: What should I do if I am an extremely vulnerable person?
5: What to do if you have symptoms that could be due to COVID-19?
6: I am worried about letting my carer/my child’s carers into my home –what shall I do?
The information sheets on COVID-19 for people with rare disorders, including rare chromosome & gene disorders are now available in BSL (British Sign Language).
These can be viewed here
These information leaflets written to provide help with the issue of shielding for vulnerable patients were the work of a group of Colleagues, led by Lara Menzies and Elizabeth Forsythe SpRs at GOSH but also Kelly Kohut, Chair of the Lead GCs group and Nicola Taverner Chair of the AGNC. They were ably supported by Emily Clarke at Genetic Disorders UK.
Further information on the shielding process is available here